What to bring

We've included details below about what you might want to bring with you. Obviously feel free to bring more if you've got space!




  • Tent including groundsheet, pegs, mallet etc
  • Bedding, sleep mat or air bed and pump
  • Blankets
  • Torch and/or lantern
  • Table if you have one
  • Camping chairs

Eating and drinking

  • Stove and pans/kettle if cooking breakfast or requiring hot drinks
  • A cool bag with ice packs to keep things chilled - there won't be any space in the fridge or freezer for cooling stuff
  • Any additional food you will need for the weekend
  • Beverages
  • Plates, bowls and mugs
  • Plastic wine glass and tumbler
  • Cutlery
  • Washing up equipment

Personal items

There isn't a dress code for the weekend so please bring clothes you feel comfortable camping in.

Depending on the weather you could need everything from flip flops and sun cream to wellies and heavy blankets.


What you don't need to bring

  • Fire Pit or BBQ
  • Gazebo
  • Food for Friday night, Saturday lunch or Saturday night - see Food and drink